Why Are There Water Tanks On The Rooftops Of Buildings?

Usually, buildings for residential use have more demand for water so proper planning should be done while designing the water supply system on every floor. Gravitational force helps to distribute the flow of water from rooftop storage tanks, and maintain water pressure. However, for uninterrupted water flow in high-rise buildings, preventive maintenance and inspection must be done regularly. Read on to know why plumbers install water tanks on rooftops.
Building Pressure in the water system
In many cities, water pressure from municipal lines can supply buildings with three floors. As the pressure zones go higher, insufficient pipe pressure might occur. So, rooftop storage tanks and plumbing systems that regulate pressure are ideal for high-rise buildings. While designing multistory plumbing systems, plumbers use combined direct or pressurized methods to avoid low water pressure. However, these modes of water distribution must comply with the city’s plumbing code.
Multistory buildings need sufficient water pressure, and pressure levels (amongst other factors) depend on the distance between several floors and the tank. Usually, down-fed systems like overhead tanks supply the required pressure with gravity. However, a centrifugal water pump (multi-stage or variable speed) can draw water from an overhead tank, and control its plumbing system. With this function, occupants of the high-rise building will enjoy steady supply pressure.
Leak Detection and Prevention of Water Contamination
With overhead tanks on multistory buildings, detecting a leak is simple. Usually, ground-mounted storage tanks are more vulnerable to environmental threats that might increase the risk of leakages. Also, the effects of flooding and vandalism on overhead tanks are minimal when compared with ground-mounted storage tanks. When there’s a flood or landslide, the water damage that occurs often affect the quality of water inside storage tanks that are on the ground. So, lifting a tank above the ground can prevent the effects of falling rocks from landslides, dirty water from floods, and some natural disasters.
Compliance with Plumbing Codes for Multistory Buildings
Plumbing code regulations of most cities require buildings of over four stories to use roof-mounted tanks for water supply. Property owners must comply with specific laws for multistory buildings. Since the low water pressure from municipal pumping station can supply the upper floors, overhead tanks are simpler to use with gravitational forces. While complying with plumbing codes, different shapes and sizes of the water tank are often installed above the multistory buildings.
Absence of a Mechanical Pump
Facility managers rely on gravity from overhead tanks when mechanical pumps are defective, or during an electrical power failure. Usually, mechanical pumps for water tanks increases water pressure and regulates flows. The distance of the overhead tank from each floor that’s being fed determines its water pressure level. However, residual pumps are more critical when groundwater needs to flow into an empty overhead tank. Naturally, water flows into every floor of the multistory building without a pump.
A Safe Location for Fire Water
There might not be space to install overhead water tanks for fire suppression. When there is an emergency, the water pressure from an overhead tank is enough to flow through the sprinklers and hydrant system. Also, safety regulations require water for fire suppression to be far from the source of the fire. So, the rooftop is a safe place for fire-water tanks, and this platform is cheaper than constructing a separate overhead water tank for emergencies.
Preventive Maintenance of Plumbing Systems
High rise buildings with overhead tanks for water often have well-detailed plumbing system network. When there’s regular maintenance; plumbing components like pipes, water tanks, valves, joints, vents, and fixtures operate efficiently. So, installing overhead tanks above multistory buildings makes maintenance and tracing of faults very easy during emergency interventions.
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