How Repainting a Room Can Change Everything!

The paintbrush can be a transformative tool when you know the techniques of color application. It requires few strokes of genius to use paintbrushes in altering perceptions. Paint colors can change the feeling you get when you enter a room. Light and cool colors can change the perception of a room’s shape and size.
Apart from creating a pleasant ambiance, darker colors make large rooms appear smaller than their real size. The effect of colors creates a feeling of physical transformation. Are you planning to remodel a room, and you’re in doubt of the shade of paint? Here are factors to guide the choice of a paint color that will make your room more amazing.
Hide Dents
Do you have your walls covered in unpleasant dents, and cracks? You can fill up holes and cracks on the wall, and reduce its rough texture and allow drying before repainting. Paints can hide unattractive spots and dents on the wall. During remodeling, wall panels, room fixtures, lighting fittings, heating, and AC vents can make the wall texture appear rough after they have been removed. Usually, paste-like fillers are applied to make these dents less noticeable before repainting with paint colors.
Paint Colors Can Get Your Room in Shape
Longer walls of a rectangular room appear shorter when they are covered in dark and warm shades. Light and cool colors tend to stretch the walls and make small rooms appear big. Paint colors creatively subtract few lengths from a long, rectangular room. More so, applying vertical stripes of paint colors will make short room walls appear longer. The reverse is the case with horizontal stripes; they can add perceived length or width to the walls of a room. In all, rectangular rooms can be remodeled to look like a square.
Paint Colors Can Make Your Room Cozy
Everyone likes comfort, but it’s normal to feel uncomfortable in a very large room with a few personal belongings in it. A large room with few household items can appear to be a cave. However, you can make the room feel cozier by repainting the ceilings with darker shades of colors. When the edges of walls and trim are covered in light colors the space of your room feels more expansive. Unlike lighter shades, it’s easy for your eyes to change the perception when the borders of a room’s space are painted in darker and warm colors.
Priming Saves on Paint
The preparation process of repainting after using wall fillers is the application of primers. However, it’s necessary to clean the walls before priming and painting. A primer will seal the walls of your room; it’s an important step that creates a base texture for paints to stick on walls. More so, application of wall primers prevents the appearance of shiny spots that would have occurred when the wall is directly painted.
Brush Wall Corners before Rolling
Sometimes amateur painters make the mistake of rolling the walls before brushing its corners. The angles of the walls of a room can’t be painted by using rollers. It’s because these corners are areas that are difficult to reach with a roller. Instead, brush these corners before rolling paints on the wall. With a steady hand, use high-quality paint brushes to apply coats at least an inch out from the ceiling, and corners of the wall. Thereafter, use the roller to blot out uneven brush marks and ensure a smooth surface.
Choosing the Right Finish
Choosing the right color finish is important before repainting the walls of a room. High gloss paint finishes might be expensive, but they are durable because you can wipe stains off the wall with a wet piece of cloth. More so, gloss paint finishes conserve heat in an enclosed room better than emulsion coats.